ASPC 2025

Book I

Audience: Young Adult

Genre: Sci-fi, Adventure, Fantasy

A Plot: A feline princess, fleeing her destroyed home planet. She is captured by her warmonger older brother, discovers her powers, and makes new friends all scarred by her brother as products of the wars he leads. Although improbable, they set out to bring his empire down.

B Plot: A dragon prince has been captured by a galactic warmonger. With the king slain, he is duty bound to lead his kind to freedom. But the only way out of bondage seems to be cooperation. With generations of eyes watching on, he must find peace with his choices in the pursuit of liberation.

~270k Words

Book II

Audience: Young Adult

Genre: Sci-fi, Adventure, Fantasy

Plot: A 14-15yo teenage girl in a post-nuclear war America, wherein she is balancing her dual loyalties. Hahnsville, a terrarium dome filled with plants and animals and a loving community, is running low on resources after decades of habitation. In a nearby Bunker City, the underground residents flourish under a diarchic rule. As the citizens of Hahnsville grow desperate and threatens invasion, she must choose who to fight with.

~61k Words

Book III

Audience: Young Adult

Genre: Sci-fi, Contemporary, Fantasy

Plot: A teen girl amputee (different girl!) is separated from her friends and family in the ruins of a collapsed empire. Her enemy is on his death bed. A man she once considered an enemy is now graying, on death’s door. He asks her for help to build a new body for himself. With no strong familial ties of her own, she agrees to bear his children as a means to carry on her family's legacy. She struggles to balance the responsibilities of leadership, motherhood, and grief all while trying to keep a strong handle on her own identiy.

~49k Words

Book IV

Audience: New Adult

Genre: Sci-fi, Adventure, Fantasy

~57k Words

Plot: A young woman in her early 20s is locked in an Antarctic Hospital for her mental health decline. Her friends care for her the best ways they know how, but her conditions only worsen. They bring in a specialist therapist from Taiwan to help her work through her feelings of grief, abandonment, powerless, and fear. Although, her friends discover that he seems to have more intensions with her than just therapy.

Book V

Audience: New Adult

Genre: Adventure, Political, Fantasy

A Plot: A man in his late 30s is elected President over Bunker City. He intends to make this place a safe space for his children but also wants to expand. Chinese investors look to Bunker City as a growth opportunity. A media blunder puts his reputation on the line with both nations. To show goodwill and keep funding, he must serve in the Chinese military. While serving he discovers that those scarred by the life he ran from, may not be far behind him. And they're out for blood.

B Plot: A political ally and temporary maternal figure to the President’s two kids wants to be seen as a good leader, but the rebellious days of her youth are not far behind. She learns that protecting those you care about doesn’t always mean swinging the faster fist.

~56k Words

Book VI

Audience: New Adult

Genre: Sci-fi, Adventure, Fantasy

Plot: A man in his mid 40s faces the consequences of actions in Book 1. The threat of death looms daily as he tries to obtain power through both emotional and political peace. He is wrongfully imprisoned for a terrorist attack as his vice president seizes power from him. The Vice President declares open war against their international benefactor, The Lao Dynasty. As war brews between Bunker Province and Imperial China, he knows a third party is coming for his head in particular. A multi-sided war breaks out. Allegiances shift. Everyone from all the books is here! This is the end, and everyone must choose what they fight FOR instead of what they're fighting AGAINST.

~240k Words

This whole adventure started with a simple idea: I want my readers to be confused as to who to root for in the big finale.

What if you had a villain, in that classic, chaos-loving sense, who stood to lose everything? Who had to rebuild from nothing. But without the same power, he wouldn’t have the chance to earn power based on fear. He would have to earn it. Rebuild with kindness and diplomacy.

Is he still a villain?

What if you had a hero, yanked by circumstance and scarred by the villain? What if she was conflict-avoidant and fled to work on herself? What if in that time the hero determined that the only way to achieve inner peace would be to burn down everything the villain loved?

Are they still a hero?